Monday, October 26, 2009

What Is Punch Needle Rug Hooking

Punch Needle Rug Hooking is know by many names from Nantucket to Tuffing When I was small my Mother used a tool that made these loops the same as many of the newer punch needle tools used and manufactured today. I have her old punch needle tool and others from my little punch needle collection and will share a picture of them along with other tools that made this wonderful punch needle loops.

Today I will try to give a simple understanding of this wonderful art form. Punch Needle is an old needle art. The best record dating this art, and that I can find is one stated in several books that it was first found here in North America in the 1800's. These wonderful punch needle rug covers were made for the expensive rugs imported from foreign countries. These covers were used in front of the fireplace on the hearth to keep Sparks and the likes from harming the expensive floor rugs that were imported to this country.

How it worked then and now;
Punch needle is worked through a design on burlap, using a punching tool, hand spun dyed wool yarn.
No frame was used in earlier times, the ladies simple laid the designed fabric, face up across their lap tucking the fabric ends under the side of there legs. It did take to long for someone to come up with a better way and the frame came into being.

Picture will be up for your enjoyment tomorrow:

copyright 2010

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oroville, California, United States
Creative needlework from A to Z, both old and new designs to make and enjoy.