Wednesday, February 1, 2012

My Crazy Quilt Pin Keeper

Hello Everyone,  With Valentines just around the corner I thought it was time to create something a little different to share with all of you. For the last few weeks Valentines Day and Eater time has taken hold of me and I have found myself moving from one to the other. I did finally manage to finishe a sweet little pin keeper Crazy Quilted Heart, It is so cute and feel it would make a wonderful project to create as gift.
I used odds and end pieces of fabric left over from other project created though out the year. Most often Valentine hearts are made using reds, pinks and white colors in fabric and trims. This project I wanted to be a little different and still show it was a Valentine an expression of love and friendship.
I sorted out all the blue fabric pieces and started sewing them at random. It was quite intresting as it took shape so easiely and quickly. The qoal was to sew a 10 inche square and sew lace over each seam then cut a primitive heart for a pin keeper.

As always and for some unknow reason thing do not often turn out just the way we plan them in our minds eye. Ah you got the idea of which I speek. The 10 inche square was only large enough for one side of the heart with a small pocket on the front and it was back to the sewing machine and the bag of blue fabric scraps and another square was sewn for the back of the heart. However, no lace was sewn to this square.
Now it was time to cut out the heart and stuff it, wow! it turned quite nice. But as it sat there I though it needs something but what? Several days passed and then I remembered the old small bedsprings my son had cut out of a old childs matters for me and thus I used the small bed spring for the base.
How much did this project cost me? Zero, other then a little of my time, and recycled items.
I was going to add and old key and some antique buttons but as most of you know in moving from the house in the mountains and to a much smaller living quarters most of my treasured trinkets are now in storage and in box somewhere.
You can just imagine how much more you can do with this little creation. MY CRAZY QUITED HEART PIN-KEEPER.

Please feel welcome to use my idea to create one for someone you want to express your love and friendship to.

Please return for another Valentine Day idea, posting in the next day or two.
" Making old things new, bright and shinney" LenZie
Until next sealing this best wishes and a magical day.


The Gathering Room said...

Love it!!! a very creative way to show off some special collectibles!

WoolenSails said...

I have made crazy hearts, but like your idea of making it into a pin cushion and adding a scissor holder, would make a nice gift.


Donna said...

What a lovely make-do pincushion! The lace really adds to it, I think.


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oroville, California, United States
Creative needlework from A to Z, both old and new designs to make and enjoy.